» 消息 » 行业新闻 » 夏至, 高温酷暑遍地大地; 冷气机, 让你度过一个凉爽的夏天

夏至, 高温酷暑遍地大地; 冷气机, 让你度过一个凉爽的夏天


夏至是第10个 24 节气. Dou Zhi Wu; 太阳黄经 90 °; 音乐节将从六月开始 21 至 22 公历的. 在夏至, 太阳直射地面的位置达到一年中的最北点, 几乎直接在北回归线上. 此时, 北半球各地白天时间达到全年最长. 对于北回归线及其北部地区, 夏至也是一年中最高的一天中午. 北半球也即将迎来一年中最热的时候.


1. I’m afraid the most commonly used air conditioner in this hot weather, and the air conditioner filter is most likely to breed bacteria in closed cars after long-term use, so it is the best choice to replace the air conditioner filter when summer is coming.
2. When the temperature is high, the viscosity of the engine oil decreases and the oxidation resistance becomes poor, resulting in poor lubrication. 所以, the quantity and quality of oil should be checked frequently in summer, and added or replaced in time; Replace the oil filter and radiator in time to ensure smooth oil flow and good heat dissipation, and try to avoid engine overload.
3. In summer, the ambient temperature is high, and the engine is easy to overheat. 所以, the inspection and maintenance of engine cooling system should be strengthened in summer, including water tank, thermostat, water pump, fan, 等等。, Cooling water shall be injected in time. When the water temperature exceeds 100 ℃, stop in a cool place to cool down, let the engine idle, and open the engine hood for heat dissipation.
4. In summer, 轮胎温度高, 并且橡胶会随着轮胎温度的升高而软化. 在严重的情况下, 会发生烧胎. 车辆高速行驶时很容易爆胎. 行车时随时检查胎压. 如果发现轮胎过热、气压过高, 将车辆停在阴凉处降温. 不要泼冷水或放气, 否则会在途中造成爆胎和轮胎早期损坏.