Domicile » Nouvelles » Nouvelles de l'industrie » Solstice d'été, température élevée et chaleur sur tout le territoire; Climatiseur, laissez-vous passer un été frais

Solstice d'été, température élevée et chaleur sur tout le territoire; Climatiseur, laissez-vous passer un été frais

Meaning of summer solstice

The summer solstice is the 10th of the 24 termes solaires. Dou Zhi Wu; Longitude jaune solaire 90 °; Le festival aura lieu du mois de juin 21 à 22 du calendrier grégorien. Au solstice d'été, la position où le soleil brille directement sur le sol atteint le point le plus au nord de l'année, presque directement sur le tropique du cancer. En ce moment, la durée de la journée dans toutes les parties de l'hémisphère nord atteint la plus longue de toute l'année. Pour le Tropique du cancer et ses régions septentrionales, the summer solstice is also the highest day of the year at noon. The northern hemisphere is also about to usher in the hottest time of the year.

Car maintenance in summer

1. I’m afraid the most commonly used air conditioner in this hot weather, and the air conditioner filter is most likely to breed bacteria in closed cars after long-term use, so it is the best choice to replace the air conditioner filter when summer is coming.
2. When the temperature is high, the viscosity of the engine oil decreases and the oxidation resistance becomes poor, resulting in poor lubrication. Par conséquent, the quantity and quality of oil should be checked frequently in summer, and added or replaced in time; Replace the oil filter and radiator in time to ensure smooth oil flow and good heat dissipation, and try to avoid engine overload.
3. In summer, the ambient temperature is high, and the engine is easy to overheat. Par conséquent, the inspection and maintenance of engine cooling system should be strengthened in summer, including water tank, thermostat, water pump, fan, etc., Cooling water shall be injected in time. When the water temperature exceeds 100 , stop in a cool place to cool down, let the engine idle, and open the engine hood for heat dissipation.
4. In summer, the temperature of the tire is high, and the rubber tends to soften with the increase of the tire temperature. In serious cases, tire burning will occur. It is very easy for the tire to burst when the vehicle runs at high speed. Check the tire pressure at any time when driving. If it is found that the tire is overheated and the pressure is too high, stop the vehicle in a cool place to cool down. Do not splash cold water or deflate, otherwise it will cause tire burst and early damage to the tire on the way.