» 消息 » 行业新闻 » 机油滤清器便宜吗?



The function of the filter is to filter out the dust and impurities in air, 油, 燃油和冷却液使这些杂质远离发动机, 从而保护发动机系统. 优质高效过滤器比低效低质过滤器能捕获和过滤掉更多的杂质. 如果两个过滤器的容灰量相同, 可见优质高效过滤器的更换频率会更高. Most of the inferior filters sold on the market have a short circuit in the filter element (impurities directly enter the engine system without filtration). The reasons for the short circuit are that the filter paper is perforated, the head and tail of the filter paper are not bonded or not bonded firmly, and the filter paper is not bonded firmly with the end cover. If you use such a filter, you will not need to replace it for a long time, even for life. Because it has no filtering function at all. 所以, the above view is wrong.


Harm of inferior filter

You may or will not see the impact of low efficiency and poor quality filters on the engine immediately. The engine seems to operate normally, but harmful impurities may have entered your engine system and began to cause corrosion, rust and wear of engine parts. These damages are hidden and will break out when the damage accumulates to a certain extent. 所以, although you can’t see any signs now, it doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t exist. Like a hidden time bomb. 一旦发现问题, 可能为时已晚,您将不得不花很多钱来修理引擎. 所以, 坚持使用高品质有保障的滤清器可以最大限度的保护您的发动机.




过滤器质量的衡量标准不仅仅是过滤器寿命, 还有过滤效率. 优质过滤器应具有高过滤效率和长使用寿命. 所以, genuine filter manufacturers should fully consider various performance indexes of the filter when designing the filter. Many filters sold on the market are simple copies and imitations of original parts, and most of their performance can not meet the requirements of technical engineering standards and specifications of engine manufacturers. After dissecting, analyzing and testing the miscellaneous filters in the market, the results are shocking: 内部滤芯头尾连接处或滤纸与端盖连接处严重漏电、短路. 如果您购买并使用没有过滤功能的过滤器, 即使经常更换, 它不会有效地保护您的引擎.