Baile » Nuacht » Nuacht Tionscail (Leathanach 9)

Scagaire aerchóirithe cumhartheiripe – ag laghdú ionradh aer salach ar an gconair riospráide

Nuair a bhíonn feithicil á tiomáint, ní hamháin gur gá aird a thabhairt ar shábháilteacht tiomána. Tá an bhagairt dofheicthe níos dlúithe ná mar a d'fhéadfá a shamhlú, toisc go bhfuil an spás taobh istigh den charr teoranta, agus féadfaidh cúig huaire níos mó cáithníní díobhálacha a bheith san aer taobh istigh den charr, deannach, agus gáis ná an t-aer lasmuigh den charr. Ciallaíonn sé seo gur le linn gach turais, seans go mbeidh tú faoi lé aer míshláintiúil. Scagaire Aeroiriúntóra Cumhartheiripe Congben – Sroicheann an scagaire ilfheidhmeach oiriúntóir aer seo leibhéal nua sa tionscal, stair a dhéanamh d'aer salach. Faoi imthosca gnáth, the air flow in the vehicle is as

Leigh Nios mo

Chun Min+H1N1, an bhfuil do chábán slán?

Because of the warm temperature and sunshine, pollen activity is vigorous in spring, which will produce adverse reactions to people with allergic constitution. Ag an am céanna, the high humidity in spring will prolong the suspension time of pollen in the air, thus causing allergic symptoms. In addition to being outdoors, it is more likely to cause allergy in the enclosed space in the car. There are dust and pollen in the air in the car. Ag an am céanna, the combustion of the car engine will produce a large number of small particles, which will also cause adverse

Leigh Nios mo

An bhfuil an réiteach íonú aer cábáin feithiclí leictreacha tábhachtach?

Sea, tá an réiteach íonú aer cábáin le haghaidh feithiclí leictreacha an-tábhachtach. Féadann sé déileáil go héifeachtach le truailleáin sa chabáin, scagadh amach substaintí díobhálacha, agus sláinte tiománaithe agus paisinéirí a chosaint. Freisin, is féidir leis caighdeán an aeir faoi dhíon a fheabhsú go héifeachtach freisin, rud a fhágann go mbeidh tiománaithe agus paisinéirí níos compordaí.

Leigh Nios mo

An dtuigeann tú an mhíthuiscint ar scagaire aerchóirithe?

Misunderstanding 1:Is the heavier the activated carbon air conditioning filter, the better? Of course not. The increase of carbon content to a certain extent will improve the adsorption performance, but too much increase will lead to a sharp rise in resistance and affect the air volume of the air conditioner. Some inferior products may be replaced by coal ash.   Misunderstanding 2:Is the more fold number of filter paper filtered by the air conditioner better? Moderate is better. Within a reasonable folding space, the more folding number of air conditioning filter, the larger its filtering area, the better the

Leigh Nios mo

The phenomenon of automobile cylinder scuffing and how to prevent it

I believe that many car owners sometimes feel the engine is weak when driving, and it is hard to go up a small slope. Why does this problem occur? Let me explain it to you. What is cylinder pulling? Engine cylinder scuffing refers to the failure that the inner wall of the cylinder has obvious longitudinal mechanical scratches and scratches within the range of motion of the piston ring, which may lead to severe melting wear, making it difficult for the engine to start or self extinguish. Cylinder scuffing is a major accident of engine. The root cause of

Leigh Nios mo

Anailís ar do mhíthuiscint ar an scagaire oiriúntóra aer

  Wrong fold number of air conditioning filter element Most car owners can directly see the number of wrinkles of the air conditioning filter element when they open the new air conditioning core. Féadfaidh siad smaoineamh go bhfuil an wrinkles níos mó, is amhlaidh is fearr feidhmíocht scagtha an eilimint scagaire aerchóirithe. Go deimhin, tá dhá phríomhfhachtóir ann a chinneann feidhmíocht an eilimint scagaire. Is é an chéad cheann ná feidhmíocht scagtha ábhar scagaire an eilimint scagaire oiriúntóra aer. I gcás táirgí leis an limistéar scagtha céanna agus ábhair scagtha éagsúla, a n-éifeachtúlacht scagtha, cumas coinneála fuinseoige,…

Leigh Nios mo

Anailís ar do mhíthuiscint faoi scagaire aerchóirithe

Smaoineamh mícheart ar uimhir pleat a / C filter element Most car owners may intuitively see the wrinkles of the A / C eilimint nuair a osclaítear an a / C eilimint, agus féadfaidh sé smaoineamh go bhfuil an wrinkles níos mó, is amhlaidh is fearr feidhmíocht scagtha an A / C eilimint. Go deimhin, tá dhá phríomhfhachtóir ann a chinneann feidhmíocht an A / C eilimint scagaire. Is é an chéad cheann ná feidhmíocht scagtha ábhar scagaire an A / C eilimint. I gcás táirgí leis an limistéar scagtha céanna agus ábhair scagtha éagsúla,…

Leigh Nios mo